Houston Sports Access
Houston Sports Access appreciate the interest and coverage provided Regional Media and Local Media. Due to space limitations, there will be a limited amount of media requests given out. There will also be a designated area for all media to sit and observe all games at the table on the sideline or areas where we designate for media only. All media must wear the media pass given by the Houston Live Top 100 Girls Camp to get into the camp and to have access to the media only areas. Requests need to be emailed to Houstonlive100camp@yahoo.com with the request form attached. After your request is received and approved, an email will be sent to you confirming you and the number of media passes given to your company. For all general information about the media needs and/or requests, call Mark Weber at 713.834.2765
*NOTE You must have Adobe Acrobat on your computer in order to complete the fill-form documents online and email them back. If you have any questions, or need further assistance contact us.